The Hijab, a symbol of modesty and faith, holds a profound significance for millions of Muslim women around the world. It is not merely a piece of cloth, but a statement of identity, strength, and empowerment. Through its diverse styles and interpretations, the hijab embodies the essence of individuality while connecting women to a shared cultural and religious heritage.
In this article, we delve into the inspiring world of hijab quotes, seeking wisdom, guidance, and motivation that emanate from these cherished expressions. Whether you wear the hijab or not, the insights gathered from these quotes are universal and offer valuable perspectives on self-confidence, empowerment, and embracing one’s true self. Join us as we explore a selection of profound hijab quotes that have touched hearts and minds, transcending cultural boundaries to resonate with people of all backgrounds.

Hijab Quotes for Instagram
1. Some of us cover to protect our bodies and some of us cover to protect our souls. In both cases, respect their choices.
Anjum Choudhary
2. For many, the hijab represents modesty, piety and devotion to God, and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.
Queen Rania of Jordan
3. Many sisters complain that people don’t want to marry them unless they stop wearing hijab. No man is worth your hijab, and a real man wouldn’t request you to take it off in the first place.
Omar Suleiman
4. The sun doesn’t lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way your beauty doesn’t fade when being covered by Hijab.
Angelina Jolie
5. Hijab is a personal choice. It is personal choice to submit to Allah(God) rather than the fashion of society. To be beautiful to God rather than people.
Yasmin Mgahed
6. The ultimate decision [of wearing hijab] must be that of the individual. Western opinions on the hijab or burkas are rather irrelevant. We don’t get to decide for Muslim women what does or does not oppress them, no matter how highly we think of ourselves.
Roxane Gay
Hijab GirlsHijab isn’t hiding your beauty with tight cloths, Its how you handle your beauty for the sake of God.
AnonymousHijab is beautiful, so make it look beautiful, wear it with love, wear it with pride and most of all wear it Right.
Benazir BhuttoThe best hijab is in the eyes of the beholder.
Randa Abdel-FattahTo the Muslim woman, the hijab provides a sense of empowerment. It is a personal decision to dress modestly according to the command of a genderless Creator; to assert pride in self, and embrace one’s faith openly, with independence and courageous conviction.
AnonymousThis Hijab, This mark of Piety, is an act of faith, a symbol for all the world to see.
AbidaTo all hijabis who are wearing niqab/hijab/abaya in this heat, may Allah shade you on the day that there is no shade but only His shade.
Randa Abdel-FattahToo many people look at it as though it (the hijab) has bizarre powers sewn into its microfibers. Powers that transform Muslim girls into UCOs (Unidentified Covered Objects), which turn Muslim girls from an ‘us’ to a ‘them.
Randa Abdel-FattahThe hijab, or sikh turban, or Jewish skullcap are all explicit symbols, but they do not represent a threat or affront to others, and have no bearing on the competence, skills and intelligence of a person.
Mufti MenkHow can hijab be oppressive when in most of countries it requires greater courage to wear it than to remove it yet it is worn?
Randa Abdel-FattahWhen it comes to the hijab – why to wear it, whether to wear it, how to wear it there is theology and then there is practice, and there is huge diversity in both.
Hamza YusufThere are irrational fears. If you see a woman wearing a hijab and fear is your first thought, something’s really wrong.
AnonymousHijab includes the way a person walk, talks, looks and thinks. All of it should be done modestly and applies to both men and women.
AnonymousHijab forces a man to look at a woman with respect rather than as an object.
Surah An-NurThat they should draw their veils over their bosoms.
AnonymousOur hijab is our Strength and our obedience to Allah.
Asha MohamedI wear a hijab. Since September 11, people look at me differently. They prejudge me and I’m always looking over my shoulder.
Sayyi Saeed Akhtar RizviBut in this age, Hijab has been equated with the backwardness of society and is regarded as a symbol of the servitude of women.
Sayyi Saeed Akhtar RizviSo, we find that whenever any general rule comes in conflict with the rule of Hijab, it is not the Hijab which gives away. It is always the conflicting rule which is sacrificed for the principle of Hijab.
Linda SarsourFor me, my hijab is my choice, it’s my identity, it makes me feel whole.
26. The freedom to practice one’s religion, symbolic of our obedience to Allah. It means modesty.
Linda Sarsour
Linda SarsourThe hijab thus forces men and others to look beyond the external and focus on the internal character of a woman.
Linda SarsourThe modesty of the hijab is empowering to women. It desexualizes women. It gives them recognition for who they are and not what they look like.
Geoff HarknessFor Muslim women who cover, the hijab is located at the nexus of various personal and social identification points, including gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and social class.
Hana AliYour body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.

Quran Hijab Quotes
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a source of divine guidance and wisdom for millions of Muslims worldwide. Within its verses lie profound teachings on various aspects of life, including the concept of hijab. The Hijab, often misunderstood as merely a piece of clothing, holds a deep spiritual and cultural significance in Islam. It is a symbol of modesty, humility, and a means to enhance one’s connection with Allah.
In this article, we embark on a journey through the Quranic verses that shed light on the beauty and importance of hijab. These Quran hijab quotes not only elucidate the physical aspects of covering but also delve into the spiritual, emotional, and social dimensions associated with this practice. Regardless of one’s faith, these quotes offer a unique opportunity to gain insight into the essence of hijab as portrayed in the Quran, promoting a deeper understanding of its relevance in the lives of Muslim women and the broader concepts of self-respect, dignity, and devotion. Join us as we explore the illuminating verses that celebrate the hijab as an emblem of faith and righteousness, inspiring believers to embrace its virtues with reverence and gratitude.
31. And tell the believing women to reduce of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which appears thereof and to wrap a portion of their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed
An-Nur: 31
32. And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as was the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity of sin, O people of the Prophet’s household, and to purify you with purification
Al-Ahzab: 33
33. O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity
Al-Ahzab: 53
34. O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful
Al-Ahzab: 59
World Hijab Day Quotes
In recent times, a notable trend has emerged, advocating for the celebration and endorsement of the hijab – a headscarf worn by Muslim women. This movement has reached its pinnacle with the establishment of World Hijab Day, a yearly event observed on February 1st.
World Hijab Day serves as an occasion for Muslim women to share their personal narratives and experiences related to wearing the hijab. Additionally, it extends a supportive and encouraging hand to those who have not yet embraced this practice.
For those seeking inspiration on the subject of the hijab, you’ve arrived at the perfect destination. This article has compiled a collection of the finest World Hijab Day quotes to aid you in commemorating this significant day.
35. The hijab is a personal choice that speaks to modesty, privacy, and individuality.
Linda Sarsour
36. Wearing a hijab is a sign of devotion, not oppression.
Randa Abdel-Fattah
37. The hijab is a symbol of modesty, privacy, and morality.
Rula Jebreal
38. The hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it’s a symbol of empowerment, freedom, and identity.
Ibtihaj Muhammad
39. The hijab is a symbol of respect, dignity, and self-worth.
Nahed Al-Hussein
40. A hijab makes you more beautiful and you should not be ashamed of it. Happy World Hijab Day!
41. Your hijab does not make you any less beautiful. Happy World Hijab Day!
42. Wishing you a happy World Hijab Day! May you continue to wear your hijab with pride and confidence.
43. On World Hijab Day, let us celebrate the beauty and strength of all women who choose to wear the hijab.
44. World Hijab Day, let us remember that the hijab symbolizes empowerment, not oppression.
45. Your hijab shows who you are and reflects your devotion to God. Happy World Hijab Day!
46. Hijab or no Hijab, a woman should be respected and loved irrespective of what garments she chooses to wear.
47. The Hijab does not make a woman a terrorist nor does it make a woman any less respectable.
48. A hijab makes you more elegant and you should wear it with pride.
49. Wishing all the women who wear the hijab a happy and empowering World Hijab Day!
50. On World Hijab Day, let us remember the importance of respecting and valuing all women’s choices.
51. Wishing you a happy World Hijab Day! May you continue to wear your hijab with grace and dignity.
52. The hijab is proof that modesty is as beautiful as anything else if not more.
53. A hijab is a Muslim woman’s pride and should not be scrutinized or harassed because of it.
54. Today, on World Hijab Day, let us stand in solidarity with all women who choose to wear the hijab.
In this blog post, you will find a compilation of Quotes, Wishes, and Messages dedicated to World Hijab Day, as we come together to celebrate this occasion. The hijab holds immense significance as a symbol of modesty and religious devotion for countless Muslim women. On this special day, we commemorate the fundamental right of every woman to decide whether to wear a hijab or not. Moreover, we stand in solidarity with those who confront discrimination or violence due to their choice. Show your support for World Hijab Day by liking, commenting, and sharing this post.