We all experience those ‘down days,’ but misery seems to be their constant companion for some when you delve into Miserable People Quotes. It’s as though the world is always against them, and no matter what you say, it doesn’t improve their mood.
Even if this miserable individual happens to be a loved one, their perpetual gloom can cast a dark cloud over your otherwise sunny day. They feel like the hole in your otherwise perfect sock or that unfortunate tire puncture that keeps happening.
Dealing with them can be exhausting. Their continuous negative outlook drains the positivity out of any given day, and despite your best efforts, their situation seems to need improvement.
Understanding your perpetually miserable friends can be a challenging task. However, these miserable people quotes might shed some light on the situation and, hopefully, bring positivity to everyone’s day.

Quotes About Miserable People
Oftentimes. when people are miserable, they will want to make other people miserable, too. But it never helps.
Daniel Handler
A man’s as miserable as he thinks he is.
People inspire you, or drain you. Pick them wisely.
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
The reason many people in our society are miserable, sick, and highly stressed is because of an unhealthy attachment to things they have no control over.
Steve Maraboli
Some people are so broken, they get mad at you for being whole.
Miserable people focus on what they hate about their life. Happy people focus on what they love about their life.
Zig Ziglar
Your miserable bitterness is showing you might wanna tuck that in.
But the thing about people, Kell had discovered, is that they didn’t really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable.
Victoria Schwab
There is no Mystery so great as Misery.
Oscar Wilde
My theory on life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn’t change. You have a day, and a night, and a month, and a year. We people change – we can be miserable or we can be happy. It’s what you make of your life.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Civilized misery is the worst misery.
Agatha Christie
The happiest people are those who do the most for others. The most miserable are those who do the least.
Booker T. Washington
People who are not happy with themselves, cannot possibly be happy with you.
Pain and suffering are inevitable in our lives, but misery is an option.
Chip Beck
Try to enjoy myself when I can – I’ll be miserable enough as it is.
Marilyn Monroe
No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.
Adam Smith
I don’t reckon misery loves any damn thing at all.
Bruce Machart
The more you make this world about you, the more miserable you will be.
Matt Chandler
Our happiness or misery depends upon our perception, not on the situation.
Debasish Mridha
Unhappy People Quotes
If you are unhappy, you are too high up in your mind.
Carl Gustav Jung
Seeking happiness is what’s making you unhappy.
Maxime Lagacé
Expectations kill happiness. Ideologies kill happiness. Your thoughts kill happiness.
Maxime Lagacé
Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.
Naval Ravikant (Podcast by Naval)
A happy man has no past, while an unhappy man has nothing else.
Richard Flanagan
The capacity to be either happy or unhappy is determined by the manner in which you react to whatever happens.
Norman Vincent Peale
People care so much about being happy that they can’t be.
Maxime Lagacé
I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.
C. S. Lewis
When you are unhappy, discover what you are clinging to and let it go.
Jan Chozen Bays
People prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of uncertainty.
Virginia Satir
Misery is what happiness rests upon. Happiness is what misery lurks beneath.
Lao Tzu
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.
Eckhart Tolle
Your unhappiness ultimately arises not from the circumstances of your life but from the conditioning of your mind.
Eckhart Tolle
Avoidable human misery is more often caused not so much by stupidity as by ignorance, particularly our ignorance about ourselves.
Carl Sagan
The moment is beautiful, yes. But attachment to that beauty removes one from it.
James Pierce
People are not looking for happiness, people are looking for an escape from misery.
Brian Norgard
Miserable People Meme
Make Sure That You Are Happy With What You Are Doing; Otherwise, You Will Be Miserable. Pursue Your Dream. Don’t Give Up.
Arnel Pineda
My Daddy Once Told Me That Some Of The Most Miserable People He Ever Knew Were The Ones That Finally Got What They’d Always Wanted.
Cormac McCarthy
Many Who Seem To Be Struggling With Adversity Are Happy; Many, Amid Great Affluence, Are Utterly Miserable.
There’s Three Things I’ve Seen In This World That Seem To Make A Body Happy Or Miserable. It’s No Money Or Health Or Any Of Those Other Things Most People Talk About. It’s Knowing Where You Fit In This World, Being Able To Go After Your Dreams, And Love.
Patricia McLinn
The Men Who Abandon Themselves To The Passions Of This Miserable Life, Are Compared In Scripture To Beasts.
Peter Abelard
Gay People Got A Right To Be As Miserable As Everyone Else.
Chris Rock
If Only My Folks Had Beaten Me, I Could Have Gotten Some Material About My Miserable Childhood. But As It Is, I’ve Had A Great Life.
Tim Conway
I Suppose That’s What Happens When You Make Other People’s Lives Miserable: Life Gets Miserable Back At You.
Sonya Hartnett
The Thing About Growing Old Is You Have To Accept It – If You Don’t, You’ll Be As Miserable As Sin. You’ve Got To Try And Find The Few Good Things About It.
Judy Parfitt
Miserable Life Quotes
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.
Wayne Dyer
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
James A. Garfield
It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.
Benjamin Franklin
Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable.
No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.
Adam Smith
Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.
Helen Gurley Brown
The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.
Carlos Castaned
Here’s to five miserable months on the wagon and the irreparable harm that it’s caused me.
Stanley Kubrick
Do I listen to pop music because I’m miserable or am I miserable because listen to pop music?
John Cusack
The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. The cure for it is occupation.
George Bernard Shaw
No one is more miserable than the person who wills everything and can do nothing.
There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.
William James
It’s very important to like the people you work with. Otherwise, your job is going to be quite miserable.
Elon Musk
Only some people are open to receiving help. Some individuals must discover their path and face their own challenges, and in these cases, it may be best for your well-being to step back.
On the other hand, some people require your presence and a willing ear. Even if they can’t pinpoint why life feels so gloomy, your compassion can help them rediscover brighter days and conquer the misery hindering their progress.